Pet Nutrition Consultation

Pet Nutrition Consultation

We love our animals, and we often want to love them with food. But when 3050% of our pets are overweight or obese, you have to wonder if we can love them in a better way.

Purina did a study one time on the effects of feeding less food to Labrador Retrievers over the course of their lifetimes. In this study, the dogs that were fed less food grew smaller, but they also lived on average 15% longer — two full years! Signs of aging, such as graying muzzles and difficulty moving, were also delayed in the dogs.

Besides saving you money in dog food, feeding your dog appropriately can prevent medical costs in treating disease associated with obesity, including heart disease, metabolic diseases like diabetes, and orthopedic issues and pain. And, as explained by the Human Animal Bond Research Institute, pets with healthy and long lives can help to make your life healthier and longer, as well.

In addition to helping you feed your pet an appropriate number of calories, I can help you choose a food based on your pet’s specific needs and your desires for feeding.

Look at that ideal cat…slim and sleek. She can really chase those mice now.

Are you interested in making a homemade diet? Check out the links on my Resources page for information from the Ohio State Veterinary Medical Center Nutrition Support Service and Balance IT to get started.

The American Veterinary Medical Association also has a helpful web page on determining and reaching a goal for your pet’s healthy weight.

The ideal dog can walk better than it can roll, and can avoid lots of pain and costly medical expenses later in life.

Want to make an appointment to discuss your pet’s nutrition? Call today at (443) 228-6392 or book online.

Available 24/7/365 for clients by
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House call hours by appointment

 Mondays 8:30am-4:00pm